Day of Memory: Honour Based Abuse

On 14th July we commemorate the Day of Memory for victims of ‘Honour’ Based Abuse, marking the birthday of Shafilea Ahmed who was sadly killed by her parents after suffering years of abuse. There are
an estimated 12 ‘honour’ killings of British citizens every year, however the real number is unknown.
What is ‘honour’-based abuse?
‘Honour’-based abuse is a crime or incident committed to protect or defend the 'honour' of a family or
Types of ‘honour’-based abuse
There isn't one specific crime of ‘honour’-based abuse. It can involve a range of crimes and behaviours,
such as:
• forced marriage/ child marriage.
• domestic abuse (physical, sexual, psychological, emotional, economic abuse and coercive control
• sexual harassment and sexual violence (rape and sexual assault or the threat of)
• female genital mutilation (FGM)
• virginity testing,
• enforced abortion, forced marriage, female genital mutilation, as well as physical, sexual and.
• being kept at home with no freedom
• not allowed to use the telephone, internet, or have access to important documents like your passport or birth certificate
• isolation from friends and members of your own family
• threats to kill, and murder
To access support or seek advice about honour based abuse please see below:
Karma Nirvana
Honour-based violence - Victim Support
Honour-based abuse & FGM | Reducing the Risk
National Domestic Abuse Helpline (
Forced Marriage and Honour Based Violence Charity - Halo Project