Are you being bullied?
Are you being bullied?

Bullying can happen anywhere, to anyone at any age. It can involve someone pushing, hitting, teasing or calling you names, or freezing you out of friendship groups or activities.
If you're a victim of bullying or know of someone who is a subject of bullying, you should talk to someone you trust. However, if you don't feel like talking, there are lots of helplines you can contact: website
Bullybusters | Local Solutions
Childline - bullying types
Kidscape - help with bullying website
Watch these short videos on bullying: +
Cyber bullying +
The prominent places for online bullying include:
- Social networking sites
- Messaging apps
- Gaming sites
- Chat rooms
- Cyberbullying is any form of bullying which takes place online.
Watch this short video :
For more help and advice on cyberbullying and what to do about it, check these websites: +