Safer Recruitment
All organisations and individuals who work with adults with care and support needs, or are involved in providing services for them have a legal duty, under the Care Act 2014, to safeguard and promote their welfare.
Safer Recruitment guidelines aims to prevent unsuitable persons from working with adults. This guidance applies to paid member of staff or volunteer whether they are permanent, temporary or agency staff or recruited from abroad. In addition it applies to staff / volunteers who are seen by adults with care and support needs as trustworthy and / or have access to confidential information. This may include administrative staff, caretakers, and maintenance workers for example.
Commissioners should ensure the principles of safer recruitment and employment are included in service level agreements or contracts drawn up between them and service providers.
In your organisations policy statement in relation to their commitment to the prevention of abuse and neglect and promoting the wellbeing of adults with care and support needs, it should include a statement that robust recruitment and selection procedures are in place to identify and deter people who might abuse or neglect adults with care and support needs or who are otherwise unsuitable for employment / volunteering.
Provider agencies should produce internal guidance for staff which relate clearly to the SAB policy and which set out the responsibilities of all staff to operate within it. They should also produce guidance outlining the rights of staff and how employers will respond where abuse is alleged against them within either a criminal or disciplinary context.
Please find attached Warrington Safeguarding Adults Board Safer Recruitment good practice guidance.
Safer Recruitment Guidance - July 2020
Further Advice
For further advice and information you can access the following websites:
Further information can be found at the following websites:
Acas (Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service): provides free and impartial information and advice to employers and employees on all aspects of workplace relations and employment law.
CIPD | The Professional Body for HR & People Development
Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development is a professional body for HR and people development
Disclosure and Barring Service